Monday, November 5, 2012

Jesus and The Chakras

The Eastern Wisdom traditions created a vocabulary that provided a way for the practitioner to name and also increase awareness to the different aspects of the human matrix. These different aspects of human existence interface with the human body at different physical centers or locations in the human body. They call these centers chakras. Most of the teachers in the East taught that there were seven chakras running from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. The center chakra is the heart chakra which is about love and compassion. The three lower chakras are slower in vibration. These have more to do with raw energy, power, and strength and are more primitive in nature. The three chakras above the heart are more refined and are faster in vibration. They have more to do with voice, understanding and intellect. Eastern practice encouraged the practitioner to increase the capacity of the heart chakra so that it would overflow all the others thus taming the lower energies and enlightening the higher energies. The goal is that one would, from all levels of one's existence, express their life through and from the energy of the heart - love and compassion.

Connect this spiritual work with how Jesus summarizes his spiritual path. "Love God with all your heart and soul (heart chakra), and with your strength and might (lower chakras), and with all your mind and understanding (upper chakras). The result is one that lives life, at all levels, from the heart and from love. This work prepares us for the second part of Jesus' summation, "love your neighbor as yourself". Just as the teachers in the East, Jesus calls us to this work; the work of allowing our heart to tame our more primitive parts and to enlighten our more refined parts so that the whole self can live in and with divine love and express holy compassion.

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