Sunday, March 17, 2013

Time To Press The Reset Button

At this point in human history it appears that many of our structures and institutions are breaking down. We stand with one foot in the modern era and one foot in a post-modern era. It's a challenging time because we are still connected to and dependent on the old structures. All the while, they really no longer serve us. The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. Washington is in grid-lock as the ends of the political spectrum continue to move farther and farther apart. The church becomes less relevant to the larger culture with each passing day. It seems it's time for someone to press the reset button.

I know my dream could never happen, but I have two simple (fantasy) suggestions that would change the world really fast. First, let the Nuns of the church elect the next Pope and let them choose whomever they desire - male or female, catholic or non-catholic, gay or straight - their call. Second, in the next several political election cycles, let the registered Republicans vote to choose the Democratic candidates and the registered Democrats vote to choose the Republican candidates. I know it sounds crazy, and no I'm not high, but I think we would find ourselves in a very different world very quickly.

But seriously, I'm aware my fantasy will not happen. However, we do need to let go of our attachments and addictions to the past and open our minds and hearts to new paths. Because at some point in the future someone is gonna press the reset button.

"Do not remember the former things,or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?"
... Isaiah 43

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