Thursday, December 6, 2012

If "God Talk" Was Gonna Save The World Then We Should Already Be In Paradise

I estimate that I've heard about 10,000 sermons in my lifetime; some good and some really bad. I estimate that I've preached about 5,000 sermons myself; some good and some really really bad. Multiply those numbers many fold because there is practically a church on every corner of every community. Don't forget about Christian radio. There are also more Christian channels on cable than I can even keep up with.  Add to that the babbling of the hyper-religious, "Jesus this and Jesus that", "praise God this and praise God that". And don't forget to throw in a few "hallelujahs" here and there. If "God Talk" was gonna save the world then we should already be in paradise.

Meister Eckhart said, "The most beautiful thing which a person can say about God would be for that person to remain silent from the wisdom of an inner wealth. So, be silent and quit flapping your gums about God.”

If I ever get the opportunity to hang out with you, I really hope that you will not waste our time by regurgitating a bunch of religious clichés. Look me in the eyes. Tell me about you. Tell me about your life. Talk to me about your own thoughts and feelings. Be present to me and let me be present to you. Maybe we could even drink a beer together and share paradise.

I make my living as a full time religious practitioner. So what I'm about to say is not very good for my job security. I actually believe the world would be a better place if we closed a lot of churches and opened more pubs where we could hang out and share a beer. Cheers!

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